Manéga Bendrologie Museum

Established by Frédéric Pacéré Titinga, who wanted the world to know more about the many different tribes that make up Burkina Faso. The museum is located 55 km northwest of the city Ouagadougou, in the village of Manega, Burkina Faso.
- Address: QFMR+6F5, Nongou, Burkina Faso
- Phone: +226 76 36 66 67
Music Museum

The National Museum of Music is a cultural institution located in Ouagadougou. The two-story building houses one-of-a-kind instruments from all families of instruments, ranging from 5 to 200 years in age. The first collection, put together between September 1998 and March 1999 is constantly growing. Instruments from all families are represented including aerophones, membranophones, idiophones and chordophones. Each object is the only one of its kind and varies from 5 to 200 years in age. The museum has collected musical instruments from different ethnic groups in the country since 1993. Inside the museum are sheltered instruments which are accompanied by photos taken during their collection and illustrating them in social cultural contexts. A guided tour is offered to visitors who want to understand the beliefs, legendary, fear and origins associated with the history of these instruments.
- Address: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Phone: +226 50 31 09 27
Sogossira Sanon Municipal Museum

The museum opened its doors in March 1990, and is located in the heart of the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Its main mission is the conservation and enhancement of the history of communities in the West, Burkina Faso in general. The small permanent exhibition of traditional Bobo objects, such as masks, war clothes, jewellery, pottery, etc. as well as some old photos. This collection is also enriched by temporary exhibitions by local artists, who are generally present on site. It is a great opportunity to meet a Burkinabe artist and to get to know a production that is often very expressive in its plastic form. In the courtyard of the museum’s entrance stands a bronze statue of a musician. A beautiful reconstruction of the traditional Bobo habitat and a Peule hut can also be found on the grounds.
- Address: Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Poni Provincial Museum

Born from the meeting of the famous ethnologist and religious Madeleine Père with the Lobi people, this museum was inaugurated in 1990. It is called by reference to the name of the province crossed by the Poni River, which also waters the town of Gaoua. The museum contains full-scale reproductions of Lobi and Gan compounds, as well as a wide range of photographs and collections of ritual objects of the various people of the Lobi family.
- Address: 8RMC+8P7, Gaoua, Burkina Faso
- Phone: +226 20 90 01 69
Warba Museum
The Warba Museum is located at the entrance of the city of Zorgho, in Koupéla, Burkina Faso. The Museum preserves and exhibits musical instruments, dance accoutrements, photos and paintings produced within the framework of the Warba festival. The Warba is one of the most important and popular dances of the moaga milieu. A dance of endurance and flexibility, Warba is also a challenging opportunity for dancers to test the occult forces by throwing projectiles known as “peebre” in the Moorish language.