Mutual Suspicion Grates U.S.-South Africa Relations
Tensions in the U.S.-South Africa relationship only heighten as both countries head towards national elections. In 1994, when South African President Nelson Mandela made his first state visit to the

Acts Of Privation
Feeling stuck and unheeded, young Nigerians are increasingly resorting to all manner of desperate measures. One unmistakable effect of Nigeria’s deepening socioeconomic crisis is acute despair at the country’s long-term

The Record Breakers
Nigerians’ seemingly coordinated assault on the Guinness World Records offers a didactic lens into the national psyche and the state of the nation. Over the weekend, twenty-nine-year-old Nigerian chess champion

Gambia Moves To Reverse Ban On Female Genital Mutilation
Efforts will Have Serious Consequences for Gender Equality and Women’s Health Gambia may soon become the first nation to reverse a ban against the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).

Hafsat Abiola: Invest In Women To Accelerate Progress
The president of Women in Africa (WIA) Initiative, Hafsat Abiola, shares her experiences for International Women’s Day under the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress.” This interview with Hafsat Abiola is produced by

Sudan’s Civil Society Laying The Groundwork For Sustained Peace
Blog Post by Dr. Entisar Abdelsadig, Guest Contributor Dr. Entisar Abdelsadig is a senior advisor on Sudan at Search for Common Ground Supporting Sudanese agency in the ongoing conflict will boost confidence-building measures for a